Manage your consumption

Speaking to clients and friends, I have noticed that the news is leading to increased anxiety. Whilst it’s totally understandable
digital media overload


Speaking to clients and friends, I have noticed that the news is leading to increased anxiety.


Whilst it’s totally understandable to want to stay on top of the latest information, there is such a thing as too much consumption of the news.


❌PROBLEM 1# = Sheer volume.

The quantity of both real and fake news is massive.


Expecting to be constantly informed about all the news around the world throughout the day is normal but it is not necessary.


Once you know what you can do, as a citizen, to protect yourselves and others, there is no need to constantly check the newsfeeds because you are doing all you can.  Focus on what you can control, and utilise your time and energy, better.


✅I recommend deciding that you will review the news at specific intervals during the day, from reliable media sources. For instance, I check the news in the morning, again during the afternoon briefing from No.10 and then again around 9pm. Always and only from the BBC and CNN. I am not interested in conspiracy theories right now; no fake news thanks.


❌PROBLEM 2# = Divided attention.


How often do you sit down to watch a news show or read the paper without simultaneously doing something else?




All this multitasking results in divided attention and our brains are not designed to do this.


Linda Stone coined the term “continuous partial attention” to describe our constantly fractured mental state.

✅Instead make sure your attention is focused.  Ignore whatever other stimuli are vying for your attention. Meditation can also improve this skill, especially with your busy, hectic lifestyles.


Next time you read the news, ask yourself:

  • Is this source credible?
  • How many times have I heard/read this today?
  • Where else can my energy and focus be better utilised?


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