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mobile banking, track expenses, business budgeting
Mobile Banking

by Uzo Ijewere     Do you want faster application processes, instant notifications, and inbuilt budgeting and tracking? No, it’s not some new accounting software. It’s a bank.   Well, two of them.   Does the high-street still adequately support the fast-based environment and the needs of the 21st-century entrepreneur? Like utilities, customers rarely switch…

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3 Ways to Beat the Summer Sales Slowdown

3 Ways to Beat the Summer Sales Slowdown     It’s summer. Yay!   Time for badminton (I can’t play tennis to save my life), swimming, long walks, lazing in the garden, and binge-watching Lord of the Rings (okay maybe that last one’s just at my house). You can see it can’t you? Some of…

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Working on your Business, not in it | 7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Working on your Business, not in it | 7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs Why re-invent the wheel? Learn the habits and behaviours that successful female entrepreneurs develop to grow thriving, sustainable businesses. Working on your business rather than in it basically means being strategic and maintaining a top-down management level view. No matter what stage…

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The Three C’s for Business Growth

Success is such an emotive word. In some, it conjures up feelings of elation, pride, and power, as they recall all they’ve achieved. In others, it serves only as a reminder of how things didn’t go as planned and brings with it feelings of dejection, failure and anxiety. As with most things in life, the…

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Convert Corporate Prospects into Clients

Convert large Corporate Prospects into Clients You’re a small business or a consultant. You’ve built up a client base, understand what your current customer wants and you know how you can help them. You’re successful at what you do. But you want more. What happens when you feel like you have outgrown your current customer…

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