The Three C’s for Business Growth

3 Tips on how to Succeed more Often

Success is such an emotive word.

In some, it conjures up feelings of elation, pride, and power, as they recall all they’ve achieved.

In others, it serves only as a reminder of how things didn’t go as planned and brings with it feelings of dejection, failure and anxiety.

As with most things in life, the key is balance.

Nobody wins all the time. Let me repeat that. NOBODY WINS ALL THE TIME.

In fact, people lose more often than they win. My definition of success, which I have learned over the years, is to win more often than I lose.

James Altucher is a great example and someone I admire hugely. His ability to build and rebuild his fortunes and never give up is inspiring and freeing. Why freeing? The ebbs and flows in his life remind us that we are all human. Our job while here on this earth is to keep learning and reaching for our next level of greatness.

So, what can we glean from James, and others like him that keep hitting it out of the park? These are my 3 tips on how to increase your chances of succeeding more often:

1. Get CLEAR about your Goal -You might have one major goal to achieve. You might have a 100. Whatever the case, get as clear as possible on what that goal (let’s call it your Big Agenda) is. The more specific, the better. For example, “This year I want to help others” is good. “This year, I want to help 4 families in need by setting up a fund with £10,000 to assist them with the educational and other essential needs of their children” is SO much more powerful.

How to clarify your Big Agenda:

  • ASK yourself some powerful questions. Examples: What exactly are you trying to achieve? Who are you trying to serve? Why do you want to do this? What makes it important? So what? How does it impact you, those around you/ your community / the world? Is it the right thing to do?
  • Then, THINK. Thinking is one of the hardest things to do. Which is why so many of us actively avoid doing it. We fill the quiet with noise and distractions, and are surprised when we remain stuck. Once you have thought about things and weighed them up, you should be ready to decide on what you want.
  • SPEAK with some of your trusted ‘advisers’ (this could be a team of professionals, or your mum) about your decision and seek their opinions and wisdom. Keep this circle of trust small – people have a way of watering down your vision for yourself. This is about you, not others.
  • Once you are clear on your big agenda, you can start to design your strategy to deliver it, and the subsequent actions you will take.


2. CONNECT with helpers – You may not be able to execute your goal on your own. Gather the right people around you to galvanise your vision. It was once the norm for businesses to hoard their ideas and thoughts. Living in an age where information is a commodity, that’s no longer the case. Collaboration is king and being a lone wolf will get you nowhere fast.

If you don’t already have the right people around you, find them.

How to find helpers:

  • Educate yourself and those you do have around you, and work together to deliver your vision. Read, read, and read some more. There is so much information out there. You are sure to find something to help you all move forward.
  • Check your phone right now. You would be surprised how many people you know. You might not have spoken to them for ages, but people are more willing to assist you than you think. If you are specific about what you want and are respectful of their time, people will help you where they can.
  • Tap into your existing networks. Did you go to a college or university? Find out where those people are and connect with them. Do you go to a pub every Friday night? Mention to your pals there what you are trying to achieve – maybe someone has a useful contact.
  • Create a group (WhatsApp is great for this). Decide the aim of the group and choose a compelling group name. For example, you would position the group differently when you want to learn more about something versus wanting to share valuable information, while raising your profile. Invite a few people you know, and ask them to invite others they think would benefit from the information being shared, or who can contribute in a positive way. Those that can serve the vision will naturally stand out in this type of setting.

3. Think CUMULATIVELY – I see it again and again. A client approaches me to help them get clear about their vision and to develop a strategy to help them achieve it. We work together and design their strategy map and off they go to implement it.

Then I get the call. They’re not sure they can achieve what they want. It all seems too big. How can they possibly do it? This feeling of overwhelm is a normal reaction to a big shift in thinking. If you’ve over the years conditioned your thinking and subconsciously embraced many limiting beliefs, it takes time to relearn what you are capable of. A big enough vision will scare anyone.

What I advise them to do is think in steps. Once you are clear what the big agenda is and have a plan, do not spend all your time focusing on it. Rather, focus intensely on the very next action you must implement in your plan, and no further. It’s like sportspeople performing at their peak; they focus on getting through this workout, this 5-mile run, these next 20 laps of the pool.

When you do this consistently, you surprise yourself with how much closer to your big agenda you are, and the little wins (or failures) will teach you as well as encourage you.

4. Bonus Tip – be CONSCIOUS – I couldn’t close without highlighting those little wins and or failures. They are extremely important to track and assess. The journey you are on must be travelled consciously.

With your big agenda aligned to your strategy, and actions mapped out, you should note what is working and what isn’t, and adapt accordingly. Your ability to notice changes and implement subtle (or not) shifts in your plan and respond quickly and efficiently to continue towards your goal can make all the difference.

I would love to hear your top tips on how to increase your ‘wins’ and enjoy success more often. Comment below and help someone else on their journey. If you have found this post helpful, please ‘like’ it and share it with someone else. Until next time, keep living your purpose passionately.

Uzo x

Uzo Ijewere is a Business Strategy & Emotional Intelligence Coach. She runs Augment Business Coaching, and helps entrepreneurs align their vision with strategy, grow their businesses, and become more profitable. Her purpose is to help entrepreneurs and small business owners build thriving businesses, and corporates to adopt head and heart strategies in the workplace.

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