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Transformational Life Coaching Programme for high-achievers who want to rediscover themselves.


This Program Includes

A six-month personal development programme

12 x 1- hour sessions

Unlimited contact via emails and texts

Deep dive 15-minute calls are available in-between sessions to deal with immediate issues as they come up


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Who You Are


You are a business leader, or in a senior position in your workplace. You want to improve your leadership skills as your business is growing and or the number of people you are leading increases.

You’re in a high-pressure situation and juggling a lot of balls – carrying a lot of responsibility, working long hours, caring for everyone else, managing very little quality time or care for yourself. You’re feeling stuck/ frustrated/overwhelmed and you can’t see how it’s ever going to change.


What You Want


You want the space to set down the heavy burdens you carry and rediscover yourself. You’ve achieved your financial goals, yet don’t truly feel like you’re enjoying the fruit of your hard work. You want to feel less guilty, happy, and free to express your multi-dimensional nature. Now you have realised that you need to refocus your attention on becoming the very best you.


What You Get


Transformation. Over the six-month period, you will accumulate the strategies and tools by which you can improve your self-awareness and change your mindset and ultimately your behaviours. Changing your mindset changes your attitude, changing your attitude changes your priorities, and changing your priorities will change your life.

Intentionality. With transformation comes the ability and knowledge required to live intentionally. Rather than being driven by your emotions, which when allowed to rule you can lead to unhealthy and erratic choices, you learn to manage them and direct them towards achieving the goals we identify as most important.

Clarity. By allowing yourself this space to step away from your hectic schedules and deadlines and review where your work fits into your life (and if that’s where it should be), you achieve a laser-like clarity, that energises and focuses your ongoing activities.

Action. Plan for and shape the future that reflects what you want.



Uzo is an amazing coach! She helps you dig deeper and guides you in finding your purpose. She is very detail-focused and goal-oriented, she’s a great coach and one I would highly

Feyi Luther-Mbanugo, Wild Fresh


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